Halloween at Mt Vernon

When you live a mile and a half from George Washington's house, it's only right to do some trick-or-treating at the mansion, right?! We met up with our friends from hourly care at Mt Vernon for some fun. Reagan and McKinley are about a year apart and Savannah is a few months younger that Kaelyn, so it's a great match! Plus their mom, Danya, is super down-to-earth and easy going. McKinley was Elsa and Kaelyn was Minnie Mouse...so cute!

We got there early and were able to hop on the first wagon ride! This was Reagan's first time on a wagon ride and despite the photographic evidence, she loved it:) Savannah wasn't too sure about it!

Look at how big these gorgeous horses are!

All around the estate, they had tables set up and demonstrations going on. Reagan was learning about how they comb sheep's wool in preparation for spinning it into yarn.

Savannah loved her freedom!

And they had 13 stations set up for trick-or-treating. The event was sponsored by Mars, so we have enough chocolate to feed all of Mt Vernon now!

How cute are these girls?!!!

Savannah passed out on the ride back to the house, so I let her nap on me until Jessica, Papa & Grandma, and Jason got home. We ate a quick dinner and headed out in the wagon leaving Grandma (as has become the tradition) to hand out candy. We might have to drag her along next time though...we hardly had anyone show up! I left the camera at home, but the girls had a wonderful time trick-or-treating. Reagan, again asserting her independence, wanted to go to each house by herself. Savannah just loved carrying around the pumpkin and throwing candy out of the wagon. Once we got home, the girls checked out their loot and shortly after, went to bed. Great times as always and so lucky to have family join us!


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