Getting Ready for Bed

Any given day at our house, you'll find a different bedtime "routine." We typically stick to bath, bed & books like everyone else, but we're not locked into a particular order/time/etc. We've found that this method has pros and cons like anything else. The pro: if we're not at home during bedtime, or we stay up a little later, the girls adjust fairly well. The con: Reagan isn't the best sleeper...never has been. In fact, for the last 5 days, she's been getting up at 5:30 every morning. Just like Princess Anna from Frozen, Reagan says, "The sun's awake, so I'm awake!" 

That being said, we will probably stick to what we've been doing for the last four years...

On the nights when Jason is home, Reagan would much rather have him do the "routine." On this particular night, I was able to capture a bit of our every day life...


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