Spring has Sprungeth?!
Well, not exactly, but with the warm temps we've been blessed with lately, I can't help getting excited. As you know, I tried my hat at gardening last year. As I would consider it a mostly-successful venture, I'm shooting for round 2 even earlier this year. In the fall, Jason and I planted a couple shrubs and some daffodil bulbs. The 65-degree average over the last week was enough to wake the shoots from those bulbs...
Now we just have to pray that it doesn't freeze again and kill them:( In addition to these flowers, I recently planted cilantro, basil, rosemary, and parsley in a seed tray inside the house. Although it's too cold to transplant them to the outside, they are doing well in their indoor place on my kitchen shelf. The only threat they currently face is my niece, Julieta, picking them!
Needless to say, I can hardly wait to get the garden started again and will probably do so quite soon. I've got to break out my books and refresh my memory to see which veggies can withstand colder temps. Looking forward to teaching Reagan all about growing stuff!
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