Egg Dying Fun

On Saturday morning, we awoke to find tasty breakfast burritos made by Grandpa. After downing those, we played with Reagan for a bit and then Jason and I headed out for a quick jog around the hilly neighborhood in VA. Once we returned, the real fun began...EGG DYING! Last year, Jason was deployed, and Reagan and I spent the holiday with the Moore's and the Petree's in Winston-Salem. Mason and Reagan weren't really old enough to dye eggs, so Brian, Lynsey and I took care of it while they napped. This year was a different story. Grandma carefully covered the kitchen table with newspaper and an assortment of dye cups, glitter, paint, stickers and wax crayons. She had already hard boiled 3 dozen eggs too. With MUCH supervision, Reagan managed to only crack 2 eggs and had a blast coloring the others:


  1. So fun! We only did 8 eggs and by the end, Mason was over it. Haha. Mom and I ended up finishing while B went outside with Mason.


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