Opening Presents: Round 1

As I mentioned earlier, we basically opened presents for three days. Reagan wasn't feeling great, so we didn't want to force Christmas on her; rather, we wanted her to enjoy the holiday. On Christmas Day, we did manage to get her to open a few gifts and she had fun testing out her new wagon with Daddy.

Concentrating despite feeling terrible:) She carefully placed each piece of wrapping paper (one-by-one) in the trash bag.

Daddy wrote a beautiful poem for his girls - here's a picture of Reagan attempting to open the envelope

The poem led us to these beautiful matching mommy-daughter necklaces with two diamonds in the middle. I'm wearing mine now, but it will be a few years before Reagan will be wearing hers!

I think she was more impressed with the celery in Daddy's Bloody Mary than the actual presents:)

Checking out her new potty from Great Grandma!

Hooray for Daddy being back to put things together for us!

Taking the wagon for a test drive - What a beautiful day!!

All tuckered out and in need of a nap and cuddle time with Daddy!


  1. So cute. Her and Mason have matching wagons now. And what beautiful necklaces!! Good work J!


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