Trip to Bate's Nut Farm

Although we prefer to do things as a whole family, when Jason is gone, I usually jump into hyperactivity with the girls. It helps pass the time, and he prefers weekends with less "stuff" going on. On this particular Saturday, we hit up two farms. There's an organic farm just a mile from Savannah's preschool that we visited first. That didn't offer much in the way of activity for the girls, but we did pick up some passion fruit (something we've never tried before!), a big bunch of carrots, and they gave us some purple green beans! After that, we jumped in the car and headed east to Escondido to visit Bate's Nut Farm. I was looking for a place where they could see some animals, and we hit the jackpot! Reagan and Savannah got to feed the goats, sheep, chickens, ducks, a turkey and even a llama! They did a great job holding their hands out and letting the animals munch. Plus, they loved it!

This guys name was "Dash!"

What on earth was God thinking when he created this ugly creature?! Or more importantly, what was Ben Franklin thinking when he wanted to the turkey to be the national bird?!

So blurry, but so much joy!

This guy was working hard for his treat!

And of course, was handsomely rewarded by Reagan:)

After my stash of quarters ran out, we wandered around the farm marveling at the giant pumpkins we saw! Reagan's 1st grade class will take a field trip here later this month and she's so excited!

Of course they have a store on site full of candy, nuts and more, so we explored that for a bit, grabbed some treats for ourselves and hopped back in the car to head home.


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