237th Marine Corps Birthday Ball

On Saturday afternoon, Grandma came over to watch the UVA football game. We enjoyed some snacks and a great win by the Wahoos before Jason and I started to get ready for the birthday ball. Grandma was a lifesaver and offered to come stay the night with Reagan so we could enjoy a night out! Reagan cuddled right up next to her for most of the afternoon:

Once we were dressed, I had to snap a couple pictures, and Grandma got a few of us too:

At this point, Reagan was walking around saying, "I go too!" She was a little miffed when we explained that it was a mommy and daddy only event:) 

The evening was wonderful for all of us. Reagan and Grandma made cookies and played for the remainder of the evening. Jason and I enjoyed a delightful night, visiting with old friends, meeting new people and celebrating the 237th birthday of the United States Marine Corps!


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